miercuri, 4 iulie 2012

MIRA TELECOM challenges to play National College Cantemir Voda students

MIRA TELECOM is sponsoring the creation and implementation contest of interactive games in Flash format: "Mira Telecom challenges you – PLAY TO WIN!”, launched in partnership with the National College Cantemir Voda and WitchHut company. The theme proposed to the students is called "Puzzle”.
Eigible for the contest are the students from National College Cantemir Voda, specialization mathematics – computer science, regardless of the year of study. Three students selected based on technical and creative criteria’s following the contest, will receive IT&C sponsorships from Mira Telecom: an 16GB 3G Apple iPad 2, a Sony PlayStation Vita Wi-Fi console and a Samsung S7500 Galaxy Ace Plus mobile phone.
„The purpose of this partnership is to stimulate the students’ creativity and to develop an ongoing working relationship with both students and teachers from Cantemir Voda College. On a long-term basis, we want to invest in the best of them, computer passionate and really interested in a career, to attract them in interesting projects, especially on the research and development area, a  basic part of our business. For the future we sustain the college initiative of establishing a centre of excellence which would develop these projects. The investment in research and in the youth with potential represents a constant concern of our company”, said Stelian Ilie, Mira Telecom President.

More about Mira Telecom

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