sâmbătă, 10 noiembrie 2012

MIRA TELECOM to develop portable kit for detecting trapped and buried people in ruins

Mira Telecom
Mira Telecom is developing a portable kit for detecting trapped and buried people in ruins and avalanches within an EU funded project.

RescueCell” is a project that includes 8 partners from Spain, Hungary, Germany, France, Greece and Romania and is funded through the Seventh Framework Programme for Research (FP7- SME- 2012). The project is worth 1.4 million Euro, of which 1.1 million Euro is EU funding.

The aim of the RescueCell project is to develop a novel accurate location system based on mobile signal measurements, in order to create a cost effective and portable kit, easy to be installed and used. This will be a fetmocell based kit capable of operating in any country worldwide where the GSM (Global System for Mobile communications) is available. Japan and South Korea are the only two countries where the GSM is not supported.

More about this here

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